
The wind module

The Wind module provides methods to deal with the Wind NASA mission data.

The solo module

The solo module provides methods to deal with the Solar Orbiter ESA mission data.

The cdpp module

The CDPP module provides classes and methods to deal with the CDPP deep archive data.

The cassini module

The Cassini module provides classes and methods to deal with the Cassini/RPWS/HFR (Kronos) data from LESIA/ObsParis.

The nancay module

The Nancay module provides classes and methods to deal with the Station de Radioastronomie de Nancay data.

The nda submodule

The NDA module provides classes and methods to deal with the Nancay Decameter Array data.

The junon submodule

The radiojove module

The RadioJove module provides methods to deal with the RadioJove data.